Monthly Archives: Giugno 2023

Il dollaro resta fermo in attesa della testimonianza di Powell

Written on Giugno 21, 2023 at 5:48 am, by

Fed Chair Jerome Powell is due to give his twice-yearly testimony before congress today The market is exhibiting cautious sentiment as it edged lower in anticipation of Fed Chair Jerome Powell delivering his semi-annual monetary policy report before the House today (21st June). Investors closely scrutinise this two-day testimony to gain insights into the Fed’sContinua a leggere

I colloqui positivi tra Blinken e Xi fanno ben sperare i titoli azionari

Written on Giugno 20, 2023 at 5:42 am, by

Additionally, China has announced its first reduction in the benchmark lending rate in 10 months, a move that could provide support for oil prices. Last night, the U.S. Secretary of State met with the Chinese President and expressed satisfaction with the accomplishments of their trip. This positive development in bilateral relations has the potential toContinua a leggere

Blinken potrebbe incontrare il Presidente Xi

Written on Giugno 19, 2023 at 5:46 am, by

Improved relationships between the US and China could potentially lead to the equities markets surging Equities in the U.S. contracted last Friday after a bullish run in the past week with Nasdaq up by more than 3%. Notably, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visit to China, including meetings with top diplomats and a potentialContinua a leggere

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