Tag Archives: Weekly Highlight Event

Il mercato dovrebbe calmarsi con l'avvicinarsi delle vacanze

The Week Ahead: Week Of 19 June (GMT+3) Monday, 19 June, All Day – US  Juneteenth During the upcoming US holiday, the market is expected to be relatively calm, and it may be a suitable time for investors to take a break. Wednesday, 21 June, 9:00 – UK CPI (YoY) (May) In April, the ConsumerContinua a leggere

Focus sulla prossima decisione della Fed sui tassi di interesse

The Week Ahead: Week of 12 June (GMT+3) Tuesday, 13 June, 15:30 – US CPI (MoM) (May) According to the previous Consumer Price Index (CPI), the United States witnessed a modest increase of 0.4% compared to last month’s 0.1%. The upcoming inflation data for May is anticipated to reveal a slight cooling of consumer pricesContinua a leggere

Tutti gli occhi puntati sul Senato degli Stati Uniti per la conclusione del tetto del debito

The Week Ahead: Week of 5 June (GMT+3) Monday, 5 June, 11:30 – UK Composite PMI (May) Rating agency Moody has warned that the UK is set for a mild recession, given the high inflation and borrowing costs. Inflation in the country is the highest among F7 countries, with an increase of 8.7% in April.Continua a leggere

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