Tag Archives: Daily Market Analysis

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La Fed salta il rialzo dei tassi di giugno?

Over 70% of punters are now betting on a hike pause at the upcoming FOMC meeting The focus of attention is currently directed towards the U.S. Senate, where the passage of the debt limit is being closely observed. Concurrently, senators are engaged in debates concerning 11 amendments to the bill. The value of the dollarContinua a leggere

Il voto sulla legge sul limite del debito passa alla Camera

A Bipartisan Agreement To Suspend The Debt Ceiling Is Now Awaiting Approval From The U.S. Senate The House of Representatives has successfully passed a debt ceiling deal to prevent a potentially catastrophic event. However, the process is not yet complete as the bill now awaits approval from the Senate, where not all senators are satisfiedContinua a leggere

La legge sul limite del debito supera il primo ostacolo

Uncertainty Remains In The Markets As Both Political Parties In The U.S. Continue With Their Discourse Around The Debt Ceiling Issue The bill regarding the U.S. debt limit has successfully cleared its first obstacle at the House Rules Committee, but it now faces another challenge in Congress. Ahead of the bill’s debate in the House,Continua a leggere

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