Tag Archives: Daily Market Analysis

of Market Insights

La BoE sorprende con un rialzo dei tassi di 50 punti base

Hike expectations have also increased across other central banks as the focus shifts back to inflation Markets have increased the probability of the Federal Reserve raising interest rates, a sentiment also applied to other major central banks worldwide, including those of the U.K, Switzerland, and Norway. Furthermore, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen supports the Fed’sContinua a leggere

Powell segnala un aumento dei tassi

On the first day of Jerome Powell’s two-day testimony before the House, the Federal Reserve Chair delivered a semi-annual monetary policy report. The equity markets and the dollar both experienced declines as Powell took a hawkish stance, stating that the central bank would need to raise interest rates further to curtail U.S. growth and addressContinua a leggere

Il dollaro resta fermo in attesa della testimonianza di Powell

Fed Chair Jerome Powell is due to give his twice-yearly testimony before congress today The market is exhibiting cautious sentiment as it edged lower in anticipation of Fed Chair Jerome Powell delivering his semi-annual monetary policy report before the House today (21st June). Investors closely scrutinise this two-day testimony to gain insights into the Fed’sContinua a leggere

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