Tag Archives: Daily Market Analysis

of Market Insights

Tasso della Fed al livello più alto dal 2007

The dollar has dipped on dovish expectations and downward pressure on the economy Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell announced yesterday that the central bank would deliver its 10th consecutive interest-rate hike of 25 basis points, bringing the Fed rate to 5.25%, its highest level since 2007. Powell also hinted that the Fed may consider pausingContinua a leggere

Tutti gli occhi puntati sulla decisione della Fed sui tassi di interesse

Markets are widely expecting a 25-point hike at the upcoming Fed meeting The U.S. financial markets experienced much-needed stabilisation after JP Morgan’s acquisition of First Republic bank, the latest financial institution to fail. This development has lifted the U.S. equities markets, with Asian markets also opening higher after returning from the labour day holiday. TheContinua a leggere

Il rally di Wall Street spinge le azioni asiatiche

Markets now hang in balance with the future of First Republic Bank on contagion concerns Wall Street’s gained at the end of last week as investors waited for news on a bid for First Republic Bank. Japanese and Australian stocks edged higher, while U.S. futures were broadly flat in early Asian trading after the S&PContinua a leggere

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