Tag Archives: Daily Market Analysis

of Market Insights

Rinviato l'incontro Biden-McCarthy

Investor sentiment has taken a hit in the market following the postponement of a meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and the House Speaker to address the looming debt ceiling crisis. The Biden administration is under pressure to pass the debt ceiling bill by June to avoid a potential default on the country’s bills. Meanwhile,Continua a leggere

L'IPC debole dà alla Fed spazio per una pausa dei tassi

A lower-than-expected inflation has lent optimism to the markets The latest U.S. inflation figures have provided the Federal Reserve with some respite on its upcoming rate hike decision. The data for April showed a slight drop in inflation to 4.9% from 5%, easing the Fed’s dilemma. As a result, the dollar weakened while equity marketsContinua a leggere

I mercati si calmano prima dei dati sull'inflazione statunitense

As investors await the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) and monitor the development of the U.S. debt ceiling, the markets remain subdued. Most of the asset classes saw little change overnight ahead of the U.S. CPI, which is due to release later today (10th May). On the other hand, the market is looming with theContinua a leggere

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