• Notizie

4 Aprile 2023,10:58


PU Prime Server Upgraded Reminder

4 Aprile 2023, 10:58

Condividi su:

Gentile cliente,

PU Prime would like to remind you that we have recently completed a server upgrade to provide an enhanced trading environment for all our clients. The upgrade was carried out on 18 March 2023, from 00:00 hrs. (GMT+3) until 05:00 hrs. (GMT+3).

As a result of the upgrade, the MT4/MT5 account server name has been changed as follows:
PacificUnionLLC-Live to PUPrime-Live
PacificUnionLLC-Live 2 to PUPrime-Live 2
PacificUnionLLC-Live 3 to PUPrime-Live 3
PacificUnionLLC-Demo to PUPrime-Demo

Please follow the following methods and steps below to log in to your account again

1. MT4/MT5 for Mobile (Existing User)

  • Launch the app and select “Settings”- “New Account”- “Login to an existing account”
  • Search PUPrime-Live/PUPrime-Live 2/PUPrime-Live 3 or PUPrime-Demo to login.
  • Note: If you are unable to find PUPrime-Live/PUPrime-Live 2/PUPrime-Live 3 or PUPrime-Demo, please uninstall and reinstall the current version from Google Play Store/Apple App Store or our official website:


2.MT4/MT5 for PC

  • Launch the program and click on “File” – select “Open an Account” – click on “add new broker like “BrokerName”
  • Type and search for PUPrime-Live/PUPrime-Live 2/PUPrime-Live 3 or PUPrime-Demo to login.
  • Note: If you are unable to find PUPrime-Live/PUPrime-Live 2/PUPrime-Live 3 or PUPrime-Demo, please uninstall and download the MT4/MT5 trading platform from our official websites above and kindly search for the server to login with your account details afterwards.

Please note that these are the only server options available for all our clients. We highly recommend that you update your trading platforms with the new server names to ensure uninterrupted trading activities.

If you forget your MT4/MT5 Account password, visit https://myaccount.puprime.com/login to log in to the Client Portal to click the “Reset MT4/MT5 Password” field in the account on the main page.

Should you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact our support team via Live Chat or email: [email protected].

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