With its commitment to creating an approachable and welcoming environment for new traders, PU Prime is proud to announce that it has received three awards that perfectly encapsulates its ongoing efforts.
The three awards are: Top User-Friendly Mobile App Globale 2023 e Il miglior conto di trading per principianti a livello globale 2023 from global media publisher World Business Outlook; as well as Risorse di trading eccellenti Broker online LATAM 2023 from the UAE-based Global Business Review Magazine.
This is perfectly in line with PU Prime’s commitment to trading education and improving the trading experience for all traders. Education is one of the primary pillars of PU Prime’s mission to equip all traders with the skills and knowledge needed to make informed, measured decisions that maximise their chance of success.
To do this, the company provides a wide range of resources, including free access to frequent markets and new updates, analysis reports, and educational articles and videos.
Significant resources have also been put into improving the UI and UX of our mobile app. PU Prime has seen 3 major app updates in 2022 alone, with each instance making the trading experience even more intuitive for users, while increasing the control users have over their trades.
PU Prime is grateful for industry recognition and believes that the award reflects its consistent efforts to improve the customer experience and stay ahead of the game – whether in terms of offerings, promotions, technology, or service – in the CFD and forex industries.
Most importantly, PU Prime would like to express its heartfelt thanks to its customers – without which none of this would have been possible.
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