• Notizie

3 Gennaio 2023,02:57


PU Prime Bags a Grand Total of 12 International Awards for 2022

3 Gennaio 2023, 02:57

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After a gruelling but rewarding year, PU Prime is proud to announce that it has accumulated 12 industry awards (see complete list below) for 2022.

The awards originate from a variety of well-established international organisations, reflecting a range of best-in-class achievements under various criteria, from having the best affiliate partnership program in Europe (awarded by the UAE-based International Business Magazine) to wider-encompassing achievements like the Best Global Online Broker (awarded by Financial Expo Egypt).

PU Prime is grateful for industry recognition and believes that the award reflects its consistent efforts to improve the customer experience and stay ahead of the game – whether in terms of offerings, promotions, technology, or service – in the CFD and forex industries.

For the rest of this year and 2023, customers can look forward to a whole host of new improvements and promotions, including PU Prime’s 20.23 Million Reasons promotion, where a prize pool of US$20.23 million awaits customers in 2023, and the addition of a new product category: non-deliverable forwards.

The brokerage is also happy to share that it has made significant progress in its global expansion plans this year. New offices have been established in India, Indonesia, Thailand, Turkey, and South Africa, putting the number of PU Prime’s global offices at 19.

Most importantly, PU Prime would like to express its heartfelt thanks to its customers – without which none of this would have been possible.

PU Prime awards for 2022

Awarding AgencyAward
The International BusinessMiglior programma di partenariato di affiliazione Europa 2022
The International BusinessMigliore App di Trading Mobile Europa 2022
Financial Expo Egypt 2022Miglior broker online globale 2022
Financial Expo Dubai 2022Miglior servizio clienti 2022
Fazzaco Business Awards 2022La migliore piattaforma di Copy Trading 2022
Traders Awards (FinExpo)Miglior broker di CFD in Filippine 2022
Rivista Global BrandsMost Innovative Mobile Trading App – Europe 2022
Prospettive economiche mondialiBroker Forex in più rapida crescita APAC 2022
The International BusinessPU Prime – Best Copy Trading Platform Seychelles 2022
Global Business Review Magazine 2022Il miglior broker online in crescita globale 2022
Global Business Review Magazine 2022L'app di trading sul Forex più preferita a livello globale 2022
Rivista economica globaleBroker online in più rapida crescita in Sudafrica 2022

About PU Prime

Established in 2015, PU Prime is an award-winning online brokerage that services over 120 countries and regions throughout Oceania, Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America.

Contact Us:

Phone:+248 4671 948

Email:[email protected]

Address: 9A, CT House, Providence, Mahe, Seychelles

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