• Notizie

31 Ottobre 2022,09:38


PU Prime Launches Bonds and Bovespa Index

31 Ottobre 2022, 09:38

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Customers of leading CFD broker PU Prime can now enjoy trading a new category of instruments: Bonds.

The new product category has launched with 7 sovereign bonds, including futures for the US Treasury 10-year note, and EURIBOR (see full list below).

With this addition to its range of product offerings, PU Prime presents several advantages over leading competitors. This includes offering far more flexibility with position sizes. PU Prime’s contract size for bonds is just 1, so customers can trade with a minimum position size as low as 1, and a maximum position size as large as 500.

In addition, locked positions are also not prohibited when trading Bonds with PU Prime. Customers can simultaneously hold long and short positions in order to hedge their trades.

Positions in bonds are also amplified, with up to 1:100 leverage at a 1% margin.

At the same time, PU Prime is also launching a new product under indices: the Bovespa Index, which tracks roughly 84 stocks on the Brazilian exchange B3. This will be listed under the symbol BVSPX and will be offered with a leverage of 1:20 with a 5% margin.

With this latest update, PU Prime is confident that customers can find even more opportunities in its ever-expanding product range.

All mentioned products will be launched on both MT4 and MT5. Specific trading hours for each product can be found on the PU Prime website.

The full list of Bonds launched

  • Bund Futures
  • BOBL Futures
  • BUXL Futures
  • Schatz Futures
  • UK Long Gilt Futures
  • EURIBOR Futures
  • US 10 YR T-Note Futures Decimalised

For any questions or assistance, customers are welcome to contact the PU Prime Customer Care Team via Live Chat, email: [email protected], or phone +248 4671 948.

About PU Prime

Established in 2015, PU Prime is an award-winning online brokerage that services over 120 countries and regions throughout Oceania, Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America.

Contact Us:

Phone: +248 4671 948
Email: [email protected]
Address: 9A, CT House, Providence, Mahe, Seychelles

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