Gentile cliente,
Please be advised of the upcoming Schroders PLC (SDR) stock split that is going to take place as per the following schedule:
• Ex-Date: September 20th, 2022 (GMT+3, MT4/MT5 server time). Common shares will trade at the new split-adjusted price.
The primary motive is to make the shares more affordable to small investors even though the underlying value of the company has not changed. SDR would like its stock to be more accessible to a broader base of investors.
Important notes of the SDR Stock Split
• The number of shares of each client’s position will multiply by 5.
• Post-split, the open price of each position will be adjusted, which will be the original
price divided by 5.
• All pending orders at the time of the split (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy
Stop Limit and Sell Stop Limit) will be deleted.
Please note that:
• The following orders for SDR shares will be deleted due to the stock split:
Live Account: Pending orders (At time of stock split)
Demo Account: All open and pending orders
• All settings of Stop Loss and Take Profit on Live account SDR open position will be
ADJUSTED to the original setting price divided by 5.
Investor current has an open BUY position of 100 shares at the price of 900 USD with a Take Profit (TP) of 600 USD.
After the Stock split of 5 for 1: (Adjustment done would be as follows)
Position Price: 180 USD (900USD/5)
Take Profit (TP): 120 USD (600USD/5)
In caso di domande o di necessità di assistenza, si prega di contattare il nostro team di assistenza clienti tramite Live Chat o e-mail:[email protected], or phone +248 4671 948.
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