Dear Valued Clients:
PU Prime is excited to announce a brand-new logo and an improved site experience. To better appeal to a new generation of customers, the industry-leading brokerage has launched with a fresh look for its logo.
Figure 1. The new PU Prime logo
The new PU Prime logo
As the saying goes: many little droplets of water make up the mighty ocean. PU Prime’s new logo was created around the central theme of water and aims to send a message of togetherness. The stylised “P” is made up of two shapes, the left representing the ocean and the right representing a droplet of water.
Just like the ocean, PU Prime is made up of its customers, and partners all coming together to form something greater than the sum of its parts. Because a rising tide lifts all, the growth of PU Prime is inseparable from that of its customers.
Taken as a whole, the logo resembles a flag fluttering in the wind, representing how PU Prime is an industry leader that takes point with its dynamism, professionalism, and innovation.
The new PU Prime website
Staying true to its mission of constantly improving its customers’ experience, PU Prime has also revamped its website to be more user-friendly and comprehensive. The PU Prime site architecture has been rehauled to make navigation a breeze, while new content has been added to provide even more support to customers. Highlights include:
All this is just the beginning of an entire series of updates and developments that PU Prime has planned for 2022. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact PU Prime at [email protected].
If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact our Customer Care Team via Live Chat,email:[email protected], or phone +248 4671 948.
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