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Ryan has nurtured an interest in the stock markets since childhood, eventually enrolling for, and graduating with a degree in Economics, and a Masters in Finance from the University of West of England. Raymond’s previous career was as a proprietary trader focusing on trading derivative products in the Hong Kong equities market, and specialises in looking for opportunities with volume indicators as an intraday trader. Ryan hopes that, in sharing his investing knowledge and philosophy, he can help people reach final freedom sooner.
Years of navigating the financial markets has allowed Lily to realize the value of providing information about the financial markets in an easy-to-understand way. Formerly a proprietary day trader specializing in derivative products, Lily now shares her analytical experience by distilling the latest market sentiment and global trends for traders of all experience levels. Lily holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Financial and Investment. In her free time, she is a highly sought-after personal trainer and enjoys painting and reading.
Davidson has long been interested in the world of finance and investments, specializing in macroeconomic analysis. This includes delving deep to understand monetary policy, something that has become much more valuable in recent times as skyrocketing inflation and central bank tightening have greatly impacted the global financial markets. With this, Davidson hopes to provide clear guidance and support more traders in hitting their milestones.Davidson is currently a CFA Exam III candidate and holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Economics and Finance from the University of Nottingham.
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