About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

L'occupazione non agricola ADP fuori misura fa svanire il rally azionario

On Wednesday evening (GMT+3), the US ADP Nonfarm Employment data was released, clocking in at 208,000 jobs added, better than the 200,000 forecasted and August’s 185,000. While the manufacturing, natural resources, and mining industries reported a loss of 29,000 positions, huge additions in the trade, transportation, utilities; and business and professional services sectors more thanContinua a leggere

US Share CFDs Products Adjustment Notice

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the leverage on all US Share CFDs products will be adjusted starting from 10th October 2022 to further optimise the competitiveness and improve the trading environment. Please refer to the table below for adjustment: *All dates are provided in GMT+3 (Server Time in MT4/MT5.) If you have anyContinua a leggere

La Banca d'Inghilterra acquista d'urgenza obbligazioni mentre la sterlina crolla 

Bank of English Stages Emergency Bond Buying as Pound Plunges  The Bank of England, UK’s Central Bank, has announced this week a temporary gilt-buying programme to urgently respond to a “material risk to UK financial stability” after the pound went into free fall after new prime minister Liz Truss announced tax cuts and other spendingContinua a leggere

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