About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

FTX dichiara fallimento

Embattled cryptocurrency exchange FTX has declared bankruptcy in the latest saga in the crypto world. The company saw a mass exodus of holders of its native coin, FTT, after news emerged that its finances, including that of its sister trading company Alameda Research, was on shaky ground. Alameda itself is being accused of using clientContinua a leggere

Must-Know Gold Trading Tips

Gold has been known as a good hedge against inflation and hence, many investors flock towards the gold trading market. Here are some tips to know. Gold has been widely called a “safe-haven” asset as it is able to retain and increase in value despite times of market turbulence or inflation. Many investors turn toContinua a leggere

PU Prime – Forex Trading App

Access the forex market anywhere with our forex trading app. Forex trading apps are mobile applications that allow traders to access the foreign exchange market and make trades on their mobile devices. These apps typically offer many of the same features as desktop trading platforms, such as real-time quotes, charting tools, and the ability toContinua a leggere

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