About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

What is Leverage?

Find out more about leverage, margin, and how they can benefit you when trading forex, gold, and more You might have heard the term “leverage” being used by traders or in the finance world, but what does it really mean? Leverage is a tool used by investors or traders to amplify their returns on anContinua a leggere

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Central Banks & Interest Rates

Gli Stati Uniti invieranno altri aiuti all'Ucraina

The U.S. will send another security package to Ukraine, worth US$275 million, consisting of new capabilities to boost its air defences. This puts the total amount of direct aid the U.S. has delivered to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion at $13 billion. U.S. President Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have both affirmed continued aidContinua a leggere

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