About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Learn How To Trade Contract For Differences (CFD)

Learn How To Trade CFDs CFD allows traders to earn from price movements of underlying assets such as stocks and currencies without actually owning them. Learn how you can trade CFD. Contracts For Differences (CFDs) are financial contracts between brokers and traders which involve the latter paying for an asset’s price differences between its openingContinua a leggere

Aumento a sorpresa del tetto massimo di obbligazioni da parte della Banca del Giappone

Japan’s outgoing central bank governor Haruhiko Kuroda surprised markets with an increase of 25 basis points on the cap for the BoJ’s 10-year yields, effectively doubling the limit. The surprise has caught economists by surprise in light of the BoJ’s extreme dovishness even as the rest of the world embraces tightening. While the BoJ hasContinua a leggere

Modifiche imminenti agli orari di negoziazione

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the following instruments’ trading hours and market session times will be affected by the upcoming New Year holidays. Please refer to the table below outlining the affected instruments: * All hours are provided in GMT+2 (Server Time in MT4/MT5.) Please note that in the event of reduced liquidityContinua a leggere

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