About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

I mercati traggono sollievo dalle turbolenze bancarie

The banking crisis was seemingly resolved after yesterday’s news reported that First Citizens Bancshares Inc agreed to buy Silicon Valley Bank. On top of that, the U.S. authorities are considering expanding its emergency lending facilities for banks to shore up the bank’s balance sheet, which in a way supports the embattled First Republic Bank. GoldContinua a leggere

I mercati danno meno peso alla crisi bancaria

Focus has shifted back to inflation and interest rates as the banking crisis shows signs of easing Equity markets advanced and major currencies fluctuated in narrow ranges in the last session. Easing in the banking crisis and perceived lower risk of recession spurred the equity market to trade higher while modest rate hikes from majorContinua a leggere

I mercati azionari scivolano, ma le preoccupazioni per il settore bancario restano intatte. 

Wall Street was hindered by the banking sector and slumped after investors digested the comment from Janet Yellen, U.S. Treasury Secretary on Wednesday’s hearing. However, Yellen attempted to alleviate market concerns during a subsequent hearing on Thursday, promising that policymakers would take further action to safeguard bank deposits if necessary. Meanwhile, Japan’s inflation data indicatesContinua a leggere

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