About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

CFD Rollover Notice for July

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the following CFD instruments will be automatically rolled over as per the dates in the table below. As there can be a pricing difference between old and new futures contracts, we recommend clients to monitor their positions closely and manage positions accordingly. Expiration dates: *All hours are providedContinua a leggere

Il dollaro australiano guadagna in vista della decisione sui tassi della RBA

The disappointed PMI reading indicates a lack of optimism in the manufacturing sector Investors await the RBA’s interest rate decision, expecting a 25 bps rate hike. Despite Australia’s CPI dropping to 5.6%, it remains distant from the 2% target. Meanwhile, the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) readings in both the United States and the Eurozone indicateContinua a leggere

Il PCE statunitense mostra una moderazione dell'inflazione

Cooling inflation has given hopes to the equity markets and weighed on the dollar The US Dollar has strengthened significantly as economic data exceeded expectations, bolstering confidence in the currency. Furthermore, the robust performance of the banking sector has ignited positive momentum in the US equity market. The Federal Reserve’s stress test results have demonstratedContinua a leggere

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