About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Il mercato azionario sale grazie all'aumento del sentimento di rischio

The market has a higher risk tolerance, with U.S. equity markets edging higher and the dollar extending its gain for the 2nd straight session. On the other hand, notwithstanding a dovish stance from the newly appointed BoJ governor, economists projected that the ultra-loose monetary policy is unsustainable with the rising inflation in Japan. Shifting fromContinua a leggere

Mercati in sordina mentre si festeggia la Pasqua

Last Friday, U.S. economic data gave mixed signals, leaving the markets clueless, especially on the upcoming Fed’s monetary policy. The Non-Farm Payroll decelerated to 236k but is in line with the market consensus. However, the country recorded a record low in the unemployment rate, showing that the labour market remains hot. Most asset classes wereContinua a leggere

Azioni asiatiche miste dopo il rialzo a sorpresa dei tassi da parte della RBNZ

Asian markets were mixed as investors digested a US labour report showing a drop in job openings to their lowest level in almost two years in February. New Zealand’s central bank increased its benchmark cash rate by 50 basis points to 5.25%, causing the New Zealand dollar to strengthen by almost 0.9%. Meanwhile, Japan’s NikkeiContinua a leggere

Recent Comments by lishitong

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