About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

New Product Launch

Dear Valued Client, We are pleased to announce that PU Prime will launch new product of Forex on 08th May 2023 to provide clients with a broader portfolio of products. Please refer to the table below outlining the new instrument: *All dates are provided in GMT+3 (Server Time in MT4/MT5.) Please note that the aboveContinua a leggere

Tutti gli occhi puntati sulla decisione della Fed sui tassi di interesse

Markets are widely expecting a 25-point hike at the upcoming Fed meeting The U.S. financial markets experienced much-needed stabilisation after JP Morgan’s acquisition of First Republic bank, the latest financial institution to fail. This development has lifted the U.S. equities markets, with Asian markets also opening higher after returning from the labour day holiday. TheContinua a leggere

Il ritiro di $100B di depositi della First Republic Bank ha suscitato preoccupazioni nel mercato

To improve its financial condition, the bank’s management considered selling assets worth between $50 billion to $100 billion In Q1 2023, First Republic Bank experienced a significant decrease in its revenues, net profit, and deposits. Customers withdrew over $100 billion in deposits, causing a 50% drop in FRC shares in just one day. To improveContinua a leggere

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