About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Key Economic Announcements

Economic announcements, or new events, are a widely followed aspect of trading due to their influence on monetary as well as political policy. Therefore, it is important to know which announcements are going to create the most impact and volatility so as to take advantage of their movements. Here are some of the most widelyContinua a leggere

Consumer and Producer Price Indices

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) are inflationary measures used to determine whether prices for goods and services are rising (inflation), falling (deflation when below zero or disinflation when falling but still above zero), or staying the same (since there is no particular term for this, let’s just call it “zinflation,”Continua a leggere

Non-Farm Payrolls

Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) measures the amount of jobs gained in the U.S. during the previous month that aren’t farm related. It is typically released on the first Friday of the new month, and also includes the Unemployment Rate, Average Hourly Earnings, and the Participation Rate. While all of those releases can have an impact, NFPContinua a leggere

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