About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

What are CFDs

Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are financial derivatives that allow investors to speculate on whether the price of a specific instrument will rise or fall, without taking ownership of the underlying asset. Contracts for Difference have grown in popularity in recent years, enabling retail traders to invest in various financial instruments including forex, shares, indices andContinua a leggere

Leading Economic Indicators

Economic indicators, or economic releases, are vital components to consider when making trading decisions. While some releases like Employment data or Retail Sales gives us a snapshot of an economy’s strength or weakness, some are a bit more subtle in their ways and can actually serve as a leading supposition of what’s to come forContinua a leggere

What is day trading

Day trading is the practice of buying and selling a financial asset within a single trading day. Known as day traders, investors that follow this practice usually make use of high levels of financial leverage to maximise the profit they can earn from small market movements. Day trading is most commonly seen in the foreignContinua a leggere

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