About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Types of Investors

What kind of trader are you? While there are several different styles of trading, they all fall broadly under two categories: Hedger – A person whose primary motivation is not to seek profits, but instead reduce the risks associated with adverse price movements in a security. Speculator – A person seeking large profits in returnContinua a leggere

PUPRIME DEMO Server Upgrade Completed Notice

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the Demo Server upgrade is completed and Demo Account Opening Application is resumed accordingly. Meanwhile, MT4 Demo Server is renamed from PacificUnion-Demo to PacificUnionInt-Demo, you could re-login with the following 2 method: 1. MT4 for Mobile• Launch the MT4 app and select “Setting”–“New Account”–“Login to an existing account”Continua a leggere

PUPRIME DEMO Server Upgrade Notice

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that Pacific Union will launch a Demo Server upgrade from MT4 Server Time (GMT+2) 00:00 of 19th December to 15:00 of 20th December 2020. The upgrade would make clients unable to log in MT4 Demo Account temporarily. At the same time, the Demo Account Opening Application will be suspendedContinua a leggere

Recent Comments by lishitong

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Tenete presente che il sito web è destinato a persone che risiedono in giurisdizioni in cui l'accesso al sito web è consentito dalla legge.

Tieni presente che PU Prime e le sue entità affiliate non sono stabilite né operano nella tua giurisdizione di origine.

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