About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Financial Markets

The financial markets are places where financial securities and derivatives are traded. This means that, generally, through the trading of assets like securities, money flows where it’s needed, creating liquidity for individuals, businesses, and organisations. There are three International Financial Centres designated located around the world: one each in Tokyo, London, and New York. TheseContinua a leggere

Market Participants

Now that you have a basic understanding of what the financial markets are, let us look at the various stakeholders: Commercial Banks – Retail and investment banks that accept deposits from and give loans to the public to make a profit Brokers – A person or a company that arranges transactions between a buyer andContinua a leggere

Types of Products

Next, let’s move on to what is traded on the financial markets. There are 2 essential ways to trade. The first is Exchange-Based trading, which is conducted on a

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