About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Indicatori di ritardo

Moving AveragesA moving average is a type of technical indicator that traders use in order to calculate the average price of a security over a given time. There are two different types of moving averages; simple moving average [SMA] and an exponential moving average [EMA] Simple Moving Averages (SMAs)A simple moving average is calculated byContinua a leggere

Indicatori guida

As mentioned before leading indicators will change in advance of expected economic trends; they are often used to predict future movements but not always necessarily accurate. Now that we have discussed moving averages, an example of a lagging indicator, let us move on to the Relative Strength Index which is a type of leading indicator.Continua a leggere

Bande di Bollinger

Bollinger bands is an analytical tool used by traders to identify a market’s volatility and looks at the levels of current prices relative to previous trades. We can see from the above graph that in an instance where there is little volatility the bands contract and as the market becomes increasingly volatile the bands expand.Continua a leggere

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