About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong


What is inflation?We’ve spoken about inflation a lot in this module, and in case you haven’t got it yet; put simply inflation is ‘Rising prices’. It can also be described as the sustained increase in the prices of goods and services. What does inflation do?Inflation causes what we call an erosion of the purchasing power ofContinua a leggere

Economic Release

Every given period of time, each country around the world will have what is called an economic release. A data release is the periodic publication of economic data and or news of a qualitative and quantitative nature. These data or news releases help paint a picture of the overall health of a company or country’sContinua a leggere

What is Technical Analysis

Now that we’ve spoken about fundamental analysis, what it means and what it consists of, let’s take a closer look at technical analysis. What is technical analysis?Unlike fundamental analysis, which is concerned with an asset’s intrinsic value and what its price should be, technical analysis focuses more on pattern recognition. Technical analysis is a subjective art basedContinua a leggere

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