About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

The Basics of the Fundamentals

Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating an asset; it attempts to measure its intrinsic value by examining the underlying forces that could affect the asset. Fundamental Analysis includes; Geo Political factors – such as interest rates and other government policies Macroeconomic factors – such as the level of unemployment Company or industry specific factorsContinua a leggere

Interest Rates

Every time the chairman of the FOMC, Janet Yellen, gives a speech everybody is playing the guessing game trying to figure out what’s going to happen with the interest rates. Interest rate can be defined as; ‘The cost of borrowing money expressed as a % of loan value’ Understanding Interest rates is important when talkingContinua a leggere

Money Supply

The main role of any central bank is to control a country’s money supply. By decreasing borrowing costs, central banks are effectively increasing the money supply. The money supply is a measure of the entire amount of bills, notes, coins, loans, credit and other liquid instruments in circulation within a country’s economy. Money supply isContinua a leggere

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