About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Le aziende tecnologiche cinesi puntano sul metaverso

Despite the regulatory risks, Chinese tech companies are doubling down on their bets on the metaverse, ranking in the top among companies filing for NFT and metaverse-related trademarks and patents. In 2021 and 2020, Tencent filed a total of 4085 patents while Baidu filed 3094, taking second and third places respectively behind Samsung. In China,Continua a leggere

How to Use PU Prime’s Resources to Become a Better Trader

While PU Prime puts a vast amount of resources at your disposal, the large amount of information available might be a little daunting to navigate for the beginner trader. Here, we break down the available resources, and how you can use them to make informed decisions about your trading. Educational Info No matter the goal,Continua a leggere

I mercati mostrano una certa propensione al rischio grazie al superamento delle aspettative dell'ADP Nonfarm

On Wednesday, 15:15 (GMT+2), data for the February US ADP Nonfarm Employment Change was released. At 475,000, the number beat out the market estimate of 378K, although it is still lower than the previous month’s 509,000. Broken down, February’s numbers indicate a significant employment drop of 96,000 in small businesses, although overall numbers are buoyedContinua a leggere

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