About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

PU Prime Unveils a new Logo and Website

Dear Valued Clients: PU Prime is excited to announce a brand-new logo and an improved site experience. To better appeal to a new generation of customers, the industry-leading brokerage has launched with a fresh look for its logo. Figure 1. The new PU Prime logo The new PU Prime logo As the saying goes: manyContinua a leggere

US Share CFDs Products Optimisation Notice

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the commission on some of the US Share CFDs products will be decreased to 0 USD per transaction starting from 28th March 2022 to further optimize the competitiveness and improve the trading environment. Please refer to the table below for optimisation: *All dates are provided in GMT+3 (ServerContinua a leggere

La Cina registra il peggior focolaio di Covid-19 dall'inizio della pandemia

28 of China’s 31 provinces have recently seen an outbreak of the highly-infectious Omicron variant of the coronavirus. With over 15,000 infected, this is the largest outbreak China has seen since the initial wave of the virus. The recent outbreak has hit major cities including Shanghai and Shenzhen. Dongguan city, the fifth-largest contributor to China’sContinua a leggere

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