About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

How to Diversify Your Portfolio for Inflation

While most investors will greet inflation as bad news, moderate, consistent inflation is healthy for the economy, promoting productivity and driving demand and consumption. However, high inflation can also erode the value of cash – often at a much quicker rate than income increases. Other assets, however, can grow with and even outpace inflation. However,Continua a leggere

L'enorme aumento delle scorte EIA non riesce a calmare i prezzi del petrolio

On Wednesday (GMT+3), the US Energy Information Administration reported an increase in 9.382 million barrels in its crude oil inventories. This is significantly higher than both the estimated increase of 863,000 barrels, and the previous number of 2.421 million barrels. An increase in inventories usually implies weaker demand and would be bearish for crude prices.Continua a leggere

Daily Market Analysis 13 April 2022

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