About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Il greggio crolla per i timori di recessione e per la vacanza fiscale sulla benzina di Biden

On Wednesday afternoon, 22 June, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell made his semi-annual testimony to the Senate Banking Committee. In his testimony, Powell highlighted that the Fed was “strongly committed” to bringing down inflation and that the American economy is in a strong position to handle the continued rate hikes. However, Powell has also noted thatContinua a leggere

SHOPIFY Stock Split Notice

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised of the upcoming SHOPIFY INC – CLASS A (SHOP) stock split that is going to take place as per the following schedule: •  Ex-Date: June 29th, 2022 (GMT+3, MT4/MT5 server time). Common shares will trade at the new split-adjusted price. The primary motive is to make the shares more affordableContinua a leggere

PU Prime Picks Up “Best Mobile Trading App Europe 2022” and “Best Affiliate Partnership Program Europe 2022” at the International Business Awards

21 June 2022 – Coming in hot after winning multiple prizes for the MENA region for 2021, online trading platform PU Prime is proud to announce that it has been awarded the Best Mobile Trading App Europe 2022 and Best Affiliate Partnership Program Europe 2022 at the International Business Awards 2022. Organised by the Dubai-based International Business Magazine, theContinua a leggere

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