About: jonywang

Recent Posts by jonywang

L'indice azionario Hang Seng registra un forte rimbalzo

The Hang Seng Index has continued to show strength for the second consecutive session, with the Chinese government support. The Hang Seng Index has continued to show strength for the second consecutive session, with the Chinese government directing the China sovereign fund to provide support to the Chinese equity markets. In contrast, the U.S. equityContinua a leggere

I toni falsi della Fed sostengono il dollaro

Several Fed officials have made consistent statements following last week’s interest rate decision and the disclosure of the Nonfarm Payroll. Several Fed officials have made consistent statements following last week’s interest rate decision and the disclosure of the Nonfarm Payroll. Jerome Powell and his colleagues have emphasised that the strength of the labour market andContinua a leggere

I prezzi del petrolio salgono grazie all'incertezza geopolitica

Oil prices surged by over 3% yesterday, driven by escalating tensions in the Middle East Oil prices surged by over 3% yesterday, driven by escalating tensions in the Middle East. Ceasefire talks took a gloomy turn as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the Gaza deal, deeming it “delusional.” This geopolitical uncertainty in the MiddleContinua a leggere

Recent Comments by jonywang

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