About: jonywang

Recent Posts by jonywang

Come investire e commerciare in oro

Gold has been used as a store of value for thousands of years. Even today, it remains a highly liquid asset, with hundreds of billions worth traded every day. Content: What Is Gold? What Affects The Price Of Gold? Why Invest In And Trade Gold? How To Start Trading Gold? How To Read And AnalyseContinua a leggere

Tassi d'interesse e tendenze del PIL dei paesi del mondo analizzati

The Week Ahead: Week of 4 September (GMT+3) Tuesday, 5 September, 07:30 – AU RBA Interest Rate Decision (Sep) With inflation slowing from 5.4%in June to 4.9% in July, the RBA has opted to maintain its interest rate at 4.1%. This decision allows the central bank to evaluate the effects of previous rate hikes andContinua a leggere

Prezzi del petrolio in rialzo grazie all'estensione dei tagli all'offerta OPEC+

Dollar continues to edge higher, amid rising US Treasury yields. Oil prices surge as investors anticipate OPEC+ might extend its oil supply cut. The Dollar index has surged to its highest level since March, while the Dow Jones index closed lower for the third consecutive session. Several Federal Reserve governors have expressed support for raisingContinua a leggere

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