About: jonywang

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Le principali categorie di mercato

Bullion Bullion refers to the physical gold and silver of high purity. The demand for bullion isn’t driven only by their practical use, but also by their role as investments and a store of value. Paper currencies come with all sorts of problems, like the risk of inflation in times of political and economic turmoil.Continua a leggere

Il sentimento di rischio aumenta in vista dei dati sull'occupazione

US equities advanced as the dollar’s vigor abated after Jerome Powell’s dovish tone at the Jackson Hole Symposium. US equities advanced as the dollar’s vigor abated after assimilating Jerome Powell’s Jackson Hole Symposium discourse. Powell’s subtly dovish tone vowed meticulous inflation management to foster risk appetite. Speculation also swirled around a softer labor market andContinua a leggere

Capire i fondamenti del Forex Trading

Content: What Is Forex Or The Foreign Exchange? Example Of Forex Trading When Is Forex Traded? What Are Quotes In Forex Trading? How Do You Read A Forex Quote? Understanding What Is A Pip And A Lot Explaining The Bid, Ask And Spread In Forex Trading What Does It Mean To Go Long Or ShortContinua a leggere

Recent Comments by jonywang

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