• Notizie

21 Giugno 2022,01:33


PU Prime Picks Up “Best Mobile Trading App Europe 2022” and “Best Affiliate Partnership Program Europe 2022” at the International Business Awards

21 Giugno 2022, 01:33

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21 June 2022 – Coming in hot after winning multiple prizes for the MENA region for 2021, online trading platform PU Prime is proud to announce that it has been awarded the Migliore App di Trading Mobile Europa 2022 e Miglior programma di partenariato di affiliazione Europa 2022 at the International Business Awards 2022.

Organised by the Dubai-based International Business Magazine, the International Business Awards is a recognition of the best-in-class achievements by members of the international business and finance community. Nominees are put through an unbiased, exhaustive selection process by the award’s panel of industry experts and thought leaders.

With its latest App updates, PU Prime is more than ready to take on the competitive global brokerage market with a sleek, intuitive, and powerful trading app that customers can use to trade the financial markets with ease. It also offers one of the best-earning affiliate programs in the industry, which is well-supported by top-tier service and a strong suite of promotional resources.

Therefore, PU Prime is delighted to receive industry recognition. The company believes that the award is a true reflection of its efforts to improve its platforms, and will continue to strive for the best.

Most importantly, PU Prime would like to express its heartfelt thanks to its customers – without which none of this would have been possible.

About PU Prime
Established in 2015, PU Prime is an award-winning online brokerage that services over 120 countries and regions throughout Oceania, Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America.

Contact Us:
Phone: +248 4671 948
Email: [email protected]

Address: 102 on the Ground Floor of House of Francis, Ile Du Port, Mahe, Seychelles

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