Monthly Archives: Dicembre 2024

Wall Street rimbalza in vista delle vacanze di Natale

Written on Dicembre 29, 2024 at 11:51 pm, by

* Wall Street edged higher in the last session before the market closed for the Christmas holiday.  * The U.S. Dollar rebounded as the market perceived a more hawkish approach from the Fed in the near term.  * The Pound Sterling was hammered by the low GDP reading coupled with the recent poor UK economicContinua a leggere

Il dollaro scivola dopo la debolezza dei dati PCE

Written on Dicembre 29, 2024 at 11:50 pm, by

* The dollar slid after the lower-than-expected PCE reading was released last Friday. * Keep an eye on today’s UK GDP and its implications for the pound sterling. * The crypto market is weighing on excessive downside pressure, and both BTC and ETH remain in a bearish trajectory.  Market Summary The U.S. PCE reading releasedContinua a leggere

Il dollaro è sostenuto dagli indicatori economici statunitensi positivi

Written on Dicembre 29, 2024 at 11:49 pm, by

Market Summary Following the hawkish remarks from the Fed on Wednesday after the interest rate decision, the upbeat U.S. economic indicators released yesterday have further boosted the U.S. dollar, driving it to a two-year high and suggesting a bullish outlook for the greenback. Additionally, the U.S. long-term treasury yield is nearing the 4.6% level, whichContinua a leggere

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