Monthly Archives: Giugno 2024

La lettura di un PMI debole fa crollare il dollaro

Written on Giugno 10, 2024 at 5:55 am, by

* U.S. Dollar continued to slide as the PMI readings came short. * Seeking today’s JOLTs job opening data to gauge the dollar’s strength.  * Gold traded within its sideways range despite the dollar having been weakening. Market Summary The U.S. dollar remained on a downward trajectory following the release of yesterday’s PMI readings, whichContinua a leggere

La debolezza dei prezzi al consumo favorisce il mercato azionario

Written on Giugno 10, 2024 at 5:53 am, by

* Soft PCE reading hammered the dollar’s strength and improved stock market performance.   * Eye on today’s U.K. and U.S. PMI readings.  * Oil prices are expected to be hindered by the outcome of the OPEC meeting. Market Summary The highly anticipated U.S. PCE, the Fed’s preferred inflation gauge, met market expectations when released lastContinua a leggere

Tutti gli occhi sulla lettura PCE di oggi

Written on Giugno 10, 2024 at 5:51 am, by

Market Summary The U.S. dollar failed to sustain its gains following the release of U.S. GDP data that fell short of expectations, coupled with Initial Jobless Claims that exceeded market forecasts. This has prompted a slight shift in market sentiment away from the expectation of a more hawkish Federal Reserve stance. All attention now turnsContinua a leggere

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