Monthly Archives: Aprile 2024

L'esplosione di conferme stimola i prezzi delle materie prime

Written on Aprile 19, 2024 at 7:05 am, by

Market Summary The market was roiled by unconfirmed reports of explosions in Iran, Iraq, and Syria, adding to the already tense atmosphere following Iran’s recent attack on Israel over the weekend. Anticipation of potential retaliation from Israel contributed to heightened nervousness in the markets throughout the week. Gold prices surged above the $2400 mark, whileContinua a leggere

I prezzi del petrolio crollano per il forte accumulo di scorte di greggio negli Stati Uniti

Written on Aprile 19, 2024 at 6:49 am, by

Market Summary The U.S. dollar experienced a technical retracement, easing from its 2024 peak and breaking below the $106 mark. Despite this, robust U.S. economic performance and the Federal Reserve’s hawkish stance are expected to provide underlying support to the dollar. Concurrently, the easing dollar has allowed its peers to make gains, notably the JapaneseContinua a leggere

Il dollaro è alimentato dalla dichiarazione hawkish di Powell

Written on Aprile 19, 2024 at 6:48 am, by

Market Summary The market’s attention has shifted from Middle East tensions to remarks made by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell. Powell’s recent speech signals that the U.S. central bank may opt to maintain interest rates at elevated levels for an extended period, given the backdrop of robust economic indicators and surprisingly high inflation readings. ThisContinua a leggere

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