Monthly Archives: Aprile 2024

Oro alle stelle in vista della testimonianza di Powell

Written on Aprile 1, 2024 at 6:00 am, by

* U.S. equity markets pulled back from a previous AI rally ahead of the Fed’s testimony. * Gold prices are approaching their all-time high levels, fueled by risk-off sentiment. * BTC plunged more than 10% after it traded beyond its all-time high at $68980.  Market Summary U.S. equity markets are showing signs of fatigue afterContinua a leggere

Il mercato finanziario attende la testimonianza di Powell

Written on Aprile 1, 2024 at 5:59 am, by

* Gold prices are on the brink to hit its all time high ahead of Powell’s testimony on Wednesday. * Tokyo Core CPI came in line with the market expectation with an increase from the previous reading fuels hope for a rate hike from BoJ. * BTC surged to above the $68000 mark for theContinua a leggere

Modifiche imminenti agli orari di negoziazione

Written on Aprile 1, 2024 at 2:16 am, by

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the following instruments’ trading hours and market session times will be affected by the upcoming April holidays and Labour Day. Please refer to the table below outlining the affected instruments: Note: In the event of reduced liquidity in the market, spreads might significantly increase from their normal averageContinua a leggere

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