Monthly Archives: Aprile 2024

Tutti gli occhi puntati sul PCE statunitense di oggi

Written on Aprile 29, 2024 at 6:05 am, by

Market Summary The release of the U.S. GDP data yesterday sent shockwaves through the financial markets, as the GDP price index surpassed both forecasted and previous readings. This has prompted market speculation that the U.S. PCE index, scheduled for release later today, will also exceed expectations, dampening prospects for Fed interest rate cuts. In responseContinua a leggere

Occhio al PIL degli Stati Uniti oggi

Written on Aprile 29, 2024 at 6:05 am, by

Market Summary The U.S. equity markets saw a halt in their two-day rally, primarily pulled down by disappointing earnings from Meta Platforms. As a result, both the Nasdaq and S&P 500 were left nearly unchanged, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed lower. Market focus is now turning to Alphabet and Microsoft, whose earnings reportsContinua a leggere

Wall Street chiude in rialzo grazie all'ottimismo sugli utili

Written on Aprile 29, 2024 at 6:04 am, by

Market Summary In the latest trading session, the Dollar Index retreated, failing to sustain its position above the $106 mark. This movement coincides with heightened buying interest in U.S. 2-year Treasuries, suggesting that investors are bracing for slower economic growth and potentially anticipating a Federal Reserve rate cut within the year. In the commodities market,Continua a leggere

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