Monthly Archives: Febbraio 2024

I mercati azionari statunitensi scambiano ai massimi di sempre

Written on Febbraio 20, 2024 at 2:03 am, by

U.S. equity markets saw upward momentum, driven by a rally in tech stocks. The U.S. dollar maintained a sideways trajectory as market participants awaited more cues from the U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) data that is due on Friday. Investors are keenly observing developments that could provide insights into the upcoming monetary policy stance ofContinua a leggere

Il robusto rapporto sull'IPC fa impennare la domanda di dollaro

Written on Febbraio 20, 2024 at 2:03 am, by

January’s inflation exceeds expectations at 0.30% monthly and 3.10% year-on-year, reinforcing the Dollar’s strength. The Dollar Index hits a three-month high, driven by robust economic indicators, including strong job reports, GDP figures and US inflation. January’s inflation exceeds expectations at 0.30% monthly and 3.10% year-on-year, reinforcing the Dollar’s strength. Market expectations for Federal Reserve policyContinua a leggere

Dollaro in calo sul sentimento di profit-taking

Written on Febbraio 20, 2024 at 2:02 am, by

The Dollar Index (DXY) experienced a moderation in its bullish momentum due to prevailing profit-taking sentiment in the market. The Dollar Index (DXY), initially bolstered by a positive Consumer Price Index (CPI) reading, experienced a moderation in its bullish momentum due to prevailing profit-taking sentiment in the market. Nevertheless, the steadfastly hawkish stance maintained byContinua a leggere

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