Monthly Archives: Novembre 2023

Il sentimento di rischio stimola il mercato azionario

Written on Novembre 28, 2023 at 8:53 am, by

Nasdaq ascended to nearly a two-year high, driven by anticipation surrounding Nvidia’s upcoming report. US dollar has slid to its lowest point since September Recent market dynamics have seen a surge in risk-on sentiment, with global equities rallying fervently. The Nasdaq has ascended to nearly a two-year high, driven by heightened anticipation surrounding Nvidia’s upcomingContinua a leggere

Dollaro in calo per i verbali tardivi del FOMC

Written on Novembre 28, 2023 at 8:51 am, by

Nvidia’s quarterly report beat expectations; however, the company’s share prices dropped about 2% after the closing bell. In a much-anticipated earnings release, Nvidia’s quarterly report beat expectations; however, the company’s share prices dropped about 2% after the closing bell. This unexpected downturn interrupted the recent winning streak in U.S. equity markets, dampening hopes for aContinua a leggere

Mercato in sordina mentre si festeggia il Ringraziamento

Written on Novembre 28, 2023 at 8:45 am, by

Amidst the Thanksgiving holiday, with the U.S. equity market closed, market observers anticipate subdued trading in the Dollar Index (DXY). Amidst the Thanksgiving holiday, with the U.S. equity market closed, market observers anticipate subdued trading in the Dollar Index (DXY) and gold prices throughout the festive season. Concurrently, the trajectory of oil prices remains uncertain,Continua a leggere

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