Monthly Archives: Novembre 2023

L'IPC debole porta al crollo del DXY

Written on Novembre 28, 2023 at 9:04 am, by

The Dollar Index took a substantial hit, plummeting over 1.5% in the wake of the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) release. The Dollar index took a substantial hit, plummeting over 1.5% in the wake of the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) release. The data indicated a softening of inflationary pressures, leading the market to reassessContinua a leggere

Il dollaro guadagna grazie alle vendite al dettaglio positive

Written on Novembre 28, 2023 at 9:02 am, by

The U.S. dollar staged a modest recovery following a notable decline on Wednesday. However, the latest U.S. Retail Sales data surpassed expectations, supporting the greenback’s upward nudge. The U.S. dollar staged a modest recovery following a notable decline on Wednesday, spurred by indications of easing inflation from the U.S. CPI report. However, a resilient economicContinua a leggere

Mercato azionario sostenuto dalle speculazioni sul picco dei tassi della Fed

Written on Novembre 28, 2023 at 8:55 am, by

Recent weak U.S. economic data, hinting at slowed growth and contained inflation, suggests the Federal Reserve might be near the end of its tightening cycle. Recent downbeat economic data from the U.S., which indicates a moderation in economic performance and contained inflation, has led the market to believe that the Federal Reserve is on theContinua a leggere

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