Monthly Archives: Giugno 2023

La Federal Reserve statunitense segnala il salto del rialzo di giugno

Written on Giugno 5, 2023 at 8:37 am, by

Focus has shifted from the US debt ceiling back to macro data and the Fed’s benchmark interest rate The dollar experienced its largest daily decline in almost a month as U.S. manufacturing data and statements from Federal Reserve officials reinforced expectations of a potential interest rate hike delay. Meanwhile, the euro rebounded from a two-monthContinua a leggere

4 strategie di trading sugli indici da prendere in considerazione

Written on Giugno 5, 2023 at 8:20 am, by

The Popularity of Indices Trading Strategies Trading indices is a popular way for investors and traders to gain exposure to the overall performance of a market or specific sector. Indices track the performance of a group of stocks, providing a convenient and cost-effective way to invest in a basket of stocks rather than having toContinua a leggere

Differenze tra il trading sugli indici e il trading sul Forex

Written on Giugno 5, 2023 at 8:19 am, by

What Are Indices Trading And Forex Trading Indices trading and forex trading are both types of financial trading, but they involve different assets and markets. Forex trading, on the other hand, involves buying and selling currencies which involves forex traders speculating on the future movement of one currency against another.  Indices trading, on the otherContinua a leggere

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