Monthly Archives: Maggio 2023

Forex Products Optimization Notice

Written on Maggio 5, 2023 at 9:12 am, by

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the leverage on certain forex products will be adjusted starting from 8th May 2023 to further optimize the competitiveness and improve the trading environment. Please refer to the table below for adjustment: *All dates are provided in GMT+3 (Server Time in MT4/MT5.) Please note: The current holding positionContinua a leggere

Il mercato azionario scivola in vista della pubblicazione dei NFP

Written on Maggio 5, 2023 at 6:02 am, by

Renewed fears about the banking crisis have caused investors to turn risk-off even as gold hits a new high While investors are still digesting the recent rate hike by both the Fed and the ECB, the equity markets continue to slide with the renewed banking turmoil. Several regional banks in the US are now teeteringContinua a leggere

Understanding What Indices Are And How To Trade Them

Written on Maggio 5, 2023 at 3:34 am, by

Indices trading can provide several benefits to traders, which includes allowing diversification of trade, access to multiple major markets and cost effectiveness. Find out exactly what indices trading is and how to trade indices in this comprehensive guide.  What Are Indices Indices are key indicators in the financial markets, serving as a barometer of theContinua a leggere

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