Monthly Archives: Aprile 2023

L'oro supera il 2010 mentre l'inflazione mostra segni di rallentamento

Written on Aprile 13, 2023 at 5:46 am, by

On Wednesday, 12 April, the U.S. CPI data was released, showing that March’s headline inflation in the U.S. slowed more than anticipated, with the year-on-year number showing a drop from 6.0% in February to 5.0% in March; lower than the expected 5.2%. The monthly rate decreased to 0.1% from 0.4%, which was lower than theContinua a leggere

I mercati si calmano prima dei dati sull'inflazione

Written on Aprile 12, 2023 at 5:58 am, by

Economists project the upcoming U.S. CPI figures will galvanise the markets in either direction depending on its performance U.S. equity markets have traded in low volatility for the past few sessions, but economists project the lull period will be broken after the U.S. CPI is released later today. A softer reading from the CPI isContinua a leggere

Il mercato azionario sale grazie all'aumento del sentimento di rischio

Written on Aprile 11, 2023 at 6:51 am, by

The market has a higher risk tolerance, with U.S. equity markets edging higher and the dollar extending its gain for the 2nd straight session. On the other hand, notwithstanding a dovish stance from the newly appointed BoJ governor, economists projected that the ultra-loose monetary policy is unsustainable with the rising inflation in Japan. Shifting fromContinua a leggere

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