Monthly Archives: Marzo 2023

Il Nasdaq 100 entra nel mercato rialzista mentre si attenuano i timori per la crisi bancaria

Written on Marzo 30, 2023 at 4:51 am, by

Has the banking crisis abated? Equity investors seem to think so, with the Nasdaq surging close to 2% on Wednesday as the markets assess a successful containment of the banking crisis caused by the failure of regional banks and one Credit Suisse. This puts the tech-heavy index technically in bull market territory, closing more thanContinua a leggere

Il mercato azionario cinese si risolleva grazie al rinnovamento di Alibaba

Written on Marzo 29, 2023 at 6:01 am, by

Chinese stock indices, including the Hang Seng Index, rallied as Alibaba said it would split the company into 6 units that would potentially be listed individually. This reflects a loosening attitude from the Chinese government toward the technology companies after the long crackdown from Beijing. On the other hand, the fresh Australian CPI showed aContinua a leggere

I mercati traggono sollievo dalle turbolenze bancarie

Written on Marzo 28, 2023 at 5:51 am, by

The banking crisis was seemingly resolved after yesterday’s news reported that First Citizens Bancshares Inc agreed to buy Silicon Valley Bank. On top of that, the U.S. authorities are considering expanding its emergency lending facilities for banks to shore up the bank’s balance sheet, which in a way supports the embattled First Republic Bank. GoldContinua a leggere

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