Monthly Archives: Maggio 2022

La Russia taglia il gas alla Finlandia

Written on Maggio 30, 2022 at 1:17 am, by

Joining the list of countries – like Poland and Bulgaria – affected by retaliatory sanctions from Russia is Finland. The country’s supply of Russian natural gas has been cut off after Helsinki officially applied to join NATO. Gasum, Finland’s state-owned gas distributor, announced that while imports had halted, they were “prepared for it”. The disruptionContinua a leggere

Prossimi aggiustamenti settimanali sull'avviso di dividendo dell'indice

Written on Maggio 26, 2022 at 7:53 am, by

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the dividends of the following index CFDs will be adjusted by upcoming ex-dividend dates. The comment for trading index CFDs will be in the following format “Div& <Product Name>&<Net Volume>”which show in the balance after the close of the day before the dividend payment date. Please refer toContinua a leggere

La BCE metterà fine a 8 anni di tassi di interesse negativi

Written on Maggio 26, 2022 at 3:28 am, by

On Wednesday morning (GMT+3), Germany released its quarter-on-quarter GDP figures. The 0.2% increase was exactly in line with forecasts, while an increase from the previous quarters -0.3%. Year-on-year growth for Q1 stands at 3.8%, up from the forecasted 3.7%. Earlier in the week on Tuesday, European Central Bank (ECB) president Christine Lagarde gave the indicationContinua a leggere

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