Monthly Archives: Marzo 2022

Le basi dell'analisi tecnica

Written on Marzo 16, 2022 at 9:35 am, by

In the fast-paced world of the financial markets, understanding the dynamics of price movements is crucial for traders and investors. This is where technical analysis comes into play. By examining historical market data, technical analysis empowers individuals to decipher patterns and trends, enabling them to make informed decisions about buying and selling assets. Throughout thisContinua a leggere

Le basi dell'analisi fondamentale

Written on Marzo 16, 2022 at 9:21 am, by

When formulating a trading strategy, traders employ various tools that can be broadly classified into two types of analysis methods: technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Although there are differing opinions on each approach, there is no definitive answer as to which trading strategy is “superior.” Each analysis method has its own advantages, and traders tendContinua a leggere

Capire i fondamenti del Forex Trading

Written on Marzo 16, 2022 at 9:16 am, by

Content: What Is Forex Or The Foreign Exchange? Example Of Forex Trading When Is Forex Traded? What Are Quotes In Forex Trading? How Do You Read A Forex Quote? Understanding What Is A Pip And A Lot Explaining The Bid, Ask And Spread In Forex Trading What Does It Mean To Go Long Or ShortContinua a leggere

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